Practical training of the FAO UN project “Capacity building of agricultural extension services in Central Asia in favor of sustainable intensification of crop production”

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Practical training of the FAO UN project “Capacity building of agricultural extension services in Central Asia in favor of sustainable intensification of crop production”

Field practical training has been launched within the framework of the FAO UN project TCP / SEC / 3601 “Capacity building of agricultural extension services in Central Asia in favor of sustainable intensification of crop production”.

On May 5, in the village of Budenovka, Chuy region, the first practical training on the topic “Soil protection and resource-saving agriculture” was held with the use of a new seeder provided by the UN FAO.
The training was held on the basis of a demonstration site, where participants studied the practice of zero tillage and the technology of growing maize in accordance with the principles of resource-saving agriculture.
Corn, barley and soybeans were sown at selected sites, and practical training is planned there during the growing season of these crops.