Presentation of certificates under the UN FAO project «Strengthening the Capacity of Agricultural Extension Services in Central Asia on Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production».

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Presentation of certificates under the UN FAO project «Strengthening the Capacity of Agricultural Extension Services in Central Asia on Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production».

On December 19, in the conference hall of The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration of the Kyrgyz Republic, a ceremonial presentation of certificates was held to consultants who completed a training course under the UN FAO project «Strengthening the Capacity of Agricultural Extension Services in Central Asia on Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production».
The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of agricultural consultants in the sustainable intensification of crop production so that consultants can disseminate their skills among farmers and other agricultural specialists.
The project began in November 2018 and consisted of a series of trainings by international experts of the FAO of the United Nations on 5 relevant topics: Organic agriculture, Integrated pest management, Conservation agriculture, Freenhouse management and Seed production. The training included theoretical and field trainings based on demonstration plots, visits to laboratories, seed farms and greenhouses.
The participants emphasized that each of them gained unique and useful experience, which will be passed on to farmers and young consultants. And also expressed a desire to participate in a similar project again and their gratittude to UN FAO and Agrolead for realizations of this project.
We thank everyone who participated in the project, helped with the organization, supported us and look forward to new meetings!